Psalm 119:103-104– How sweet are thy words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! Through thy precepts I understand; therefore I hate every false way. (RSV)
Granules exploded in my mouth; a chalky substance chased them down my throat. Machines tipped me off-balance, right, left and center. I did not like my upper GI (gastro-intestinal) exam. Still, the doctor recommended it and he used the results to diagnose some health issues. Promised relief made the unpleasant experience worthwhile in the long run.
Sometimes, a Bible verse does the same thing. The Word of God is not all sweetness and light. When a verse explodes into our mind, God is using it, like the chalk in that GI test, to point out our flaws and failures. When we choose to obey, we become spiritually healthy. Glorious relief follows that diagnosis when we walk in obedience to The Great Physician.
Prayer: Dear God, we look forward to your GI series in our everyday life. Yes, we crave those verses that tell us about your love, but we open our hearts and minds to those that diagnose our not-so-nice heart condition. Even today, Lord, explode our understanding and help us apply your clear instructions to our walk. We ask in the name of the Christ who died for us. Amen
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