Don’t you just love new words? A paradiddle is a drum roll in which left and right drumsticks alternate. Who knew! And think how adaptable that drummer must be.
How adaptable are we to change? Do these comments sound familiar?
I never eat before 6 p.m.
I always avoid four lane highways.
But you always come to my house for Christmas.
I always have coffee at this place.
I am afraid of other people’s food so I avoid pot lucks.
How about this one?
So repent (change your mind and purpose); turn around and return [to God], that your sins may be erased (blotted out, wiped clean), that times of refreshing (of recovering from the effects of heat, of reviving with fresh air) may come from the presence of the Lord. (Acts 3:19, AMP)
Change is inevitable if we want to grow closer to God. So are we?
Prayer- Lord, help us become more like You…for you are the Lord—the first [existing before history began] and with the last [an ever-present, unchanging God]—You are He. Amen. (From Isaiah 41:4)
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