Company’s coming. I start my refrain!
Surely, it’s not time for their visit. Again!
I worry, clench and defibrillate.
I constantly remark…This is my fate?
I don’t entertain well. My feet always slip;
between smiling at serve up and making the dip.
I don’t share my bath water; hate their hair in my drains.
And listening to their boring, but constant refrains.
I want to dismiss them. Refuse to say yes.
I refuse to give my bed up, even though they request.
Company coming? I want to shut the door.
Leave welcome mat out that says you are a bore.
Forget it, next year at your house my friend.
See if you like it when your ear I bend.
Cheerfully share your home with those who need a meal or a place to stay. (1 Peter 4:9, NLT)
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