What language do angels speak?
What did the shepherds call their sheepdogs?
Why were shepherds watching those sheep anyway?
How do we know that shepherds owned exercise gadgets?
Why did Jesus come to earth on my behalf?
These are the kind of questions I pondered as a child and still do. Some of them are easy.
What language do angels speak? (Angels speak the language of Hark as in Hark the herald angels sing.)
What did the shepherds call their sheep dogs? (The shepherds called their dogs Shep, of course.)
Why were shepherds watching their sheep anyway? (Because they had no satellite TV)
How do we know that shepherds owned exercise gadgets? (They watched and ran)
Why did Jesus come to earth on my behalf? (This one still stymies me…there is absolutely nothing about me (or you for that matter) that warrants such love from God.
Let’s stop pondering it and just accept it for what it is; the greatest love ever known, freely available to us.
Prayer- Thank you God, that neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen (From Romans 8:39, NIV)
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