Gina Kelly Ellis and I have never met but she reads every morning. She recently wrote to me.
“I’ve been a widow for nearly twelve years. My weekly column “Making a Difference” runs in several Texas newspapers. I wrote this about a month after Mike died. I often wavered between absolute terror and peace. Peace usually won out. I thought perhaps God wanted me to share it with you. Gina.
(And now I am sharing part of it with you here …as space permits. The rest is on my blog)
Proverbs 3:5-6- Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths (KJV).
Well, you know God this is not the path I wanted.
I would never have ever chosen this path.
But this is where I am. You have to know, God
That while this is not the path I wanted
This is the path where you have placed me.
It is the path where You are.
And I find that I want to be nowhere else but with You.
Prayer: Oh Father, keep our eyes wide open. Keep our ears tuned to You. Keep our feet moving securely for we want to miss no part of this journey that is ours.” In Christ’s name. Amen.
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