Ever find yourself having to deal with the overly angry, obsessively controlling, or violently opinionated? Yes, me too. (Although in all fairness, sometimes they are us!) If they are us…the best thing to do is keep our mouth shut. But when they are not us, how can we proceed with peace, caution, success?
Navigation is possible but is not without some difficulty. We can ignore, avoid and keep our distance. Author Jan Silvious calls this ‘feeding with a long- handled spoon.’
Proverbs 14:7- Leave the presence of a fool, or you will not discern words of knowledge (NASB).
Unfortunately, we will occasionally find ourselves in the same room with them. In that case, we must keep our mouth shut so that we will not be like them (see paragraph one).
(I suggest we retire to the washroom and put on more lipstick. Better to eat the estimated four pounds of lipstick a year then having to eat our words. Of course, this might not be a helpful option for the fellows).
Or we can answer them with grace and peace. This is possible only if we are in regular contact with the One who gives grace and peace.
Philippians 4:7-And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (NASB).
Isn’t that better than spending the rest of our days regretting our comments and dreading another meeting?
Prayer: Lord we so often want to say what we know we shouldn’t. We beg for your grace, your wisdom and your help to keep our lips sealed. Amen.
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