The Passion Twenty Ten conference designed for Christian college students has drawn over 20,000 people to Atlanta this week. The Passion movement was started by evangelist Louie Giglio to engage Christian young adults in ministry outreach. The conference is operating under the slogan of “Do Something Now” with the aim of helping domestic and international non-profits as an outreach of faith. Giglio launched the Passion movement in 1995. “When we began planning for Passion Twenty Ten, we had one thought in our minds: that a generation would awaken,” said Giglio. “We’re not just at an event or a conference with really cool bands. There’s a heartbeat here and that heartbeat is that you and I would awaken to the same thing: that it’s good to trade something small for something huge. And that something small is lives that you and I ‘run’ and that we would trade that in for a life that is part of a grand epic that is God. That we would awaken to the face of Jesus.” Passion Twenty Ten is being held at Philips Arena and the Georgia World Congress Center in downtown Atlanta. Leading the worship, teaching and prayer gathering are well-known speakers Giglio, John Piper, Beth Moore, Francis Chan, Andy Stanley as well as acclaimed lead worshipers, Chris Tomlin, David Crowder Band, Charlie Hall, Matt Redman, Kristian Stanfill, Christy Nockels, Fee and Hillsong United. The main sessions will be available online at at the conclusion of each session and will be available online for 24 hours.
Published January 4th, 2010 by Peter Elliott
Passion Twenty Ten Conference uniting young Christians in Atlanta
Peter Elliott is a veteran news and sports journalist. He enjoys interviewing others about how God works in their lives and sharing that with readers. He is also a lifelong, long-suffering Chicago Cubs fan. He resides in Indianapolis with his wife and three sons.
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