I’ve just signed on to some great sewing sites. Every few days they’ll send me some new ideas on what to do with all my fabric. One I particularly like is www.sewingwithnancy.com.
What are your hobbies? Do they resonate through your computer? Do you get cooking ideas, automobile fix-its or writing blogs? I like www.thewordguild.com and www.inscribe.org
What about faith blogs? What are your favourites or do you have any? I appreciate 100words.ca and I write one myself at heartfeltdevotionals.com.
Different sites will send you devotionals, motivational material and even help you read through the Bible in a year. Some of my favourites include everydaychristian.com and presbycan.ca.
And what about search engines like Biblegateway.com? Read whatever version or language of the Scripture your little heart desires.
The computer is a great tool. Why not use it to its full advantage to find Jesus? Yes He is there too!
Then you will seek Me, inquire for, and require Me [as a vital necessity] and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29:13, AMP)
Prayer-Lord God, thank You that we can find you in the most unexpected places. Amen
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