Small Irritations

The dictionary defines a pet peeve as somebody’s constant topic of complaint. Of course, we have no pet peeves…do we? 

What about a squeaking screen door or a wailing child, commercials in the midst of our favourite TV show; or even drivers who text instead of going through a green light! Grrrrrrrrrr. But those are reasonable things. Right?

Or are they only reasonable when we do them?

Pet peeve is just a fancy name for complaining. 

Moses said, “Since it will be GOD who gives you meat for your meal in the evening and your fill of bread in the morning, it’s GOD who will have listened to your complaints against him. 

Who are we in all this?

 You haven’t been complaining to us—you’ve been complaining to GOD!” (Exodus 16:8)

What are your complaints? 

Just who do you think is listening?

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