"The future lies before you as clear as driven snow. Be careful how you tread for every step will show."–Author Unknown
Generally we make New Year’s resolutions with the thought of personal betterment of some kind. Now that those promises have gone by the wayside (they only last a few days in most cases!) let’s consider this goal instead.
What if we stopped trying to make ourselves better and instead asked Christ to take residence in those dark places of our souls? What if we stepped aside and let him reign in us? What if we gave ourselves totally to him so that others might see Christ, not our self efforts?
As the poem says, our every step shows. Wouldn’t it be grand if each of those steps displayed Christ instead of our feeble efforts and failures? Both map and directions are clearly available in the best seller I wrote about yesterday! (Hint-the title is Bible!)
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. (Psalm 119:105, AMP)
Prayer- Father God, today we give you our failed resolution, (weight, smoking, temper, etc). Please take it over so that others see the Christ, not us, in the success. Amen.
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