“I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve.” ~Albert Schweitzer
God made the world round so we would never be able to see too far down the road. Isak Dinesen
We were put on this Earth, not to see through one another, but to see one another through. Walter Stanley
Success is never final. Failure is never fatal. It is courage that counts. Winston Churchill
The more one learns, the more he understands his ignorance. Louis L’Amour
When you learn, teach, when you get, give. Maya Angelou
Stuff Happens. Face it with Christ.
Lincoln wanted to forgive the South for their actions during the Civil War. When his cabinet asked why, he replied “If I make friends of my enemies, have I not destroyed my enemies?
I pray you, inquire of the former age and apply yourself to that which their fathers have searched out. (Job 8:8)
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