You are braver than you believe, you are stronger than you seem and you are smarter than you think. (A.A. Milne)
Tell your own story. If people wanted nice things said about them in your books, they should have behaved that way.
Your body hears everything your mind says. Be positive and trust God.
Live, learn, pass it on, repeat.
Accomplish small things. Return a shopping cart, discard masks safely, with elastics cut.
I got on my scale and found out that the armour of God is heavy (yet healing!)
Words wield power. What do yours say?
If it feels wrong, brings no peace…don’t do it.
Don’t be afraid to say no. Don’t be afraid to say yes. Pray that God shows you the difference.
Always believe.
And Abram believed in, trusted in, relied on, and remained steadfast to the Lord, and the Lord counted it to him as righteousness, that is, right standing with God.
(From Genesis 15:6, AMPC)
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