Trust in God — No Matter What

When trials come, usually one of two things happen; either one turns to God or away from God. The day of my second miscarriage, after the doctors left, I remember turning toward the wall and just giving up. Where was God? Was God real? Why? I didn't understand and I didn't know where to go or what to do next. I just turned my face to the wall and gave up.

However, God had other plans. I'm His. I belong to Him, and He's never going to let me go. That night, as my husband put me to bed, God sent me a song, Salvation is Here by Hillsong. It's an unusual song to hear in your head after a tragic event, but the chorus was comforting.

Lyrics:  Salvation is Here by Hillsong

“God above all the world in motion
God above all my hopes and fears
I don't care what the world throws at me now
It's gonna be alright

'Cause I know my God saved the day
And I know His word never fails
And I know my God made a way for me
Salvation is here. It's Going To Be All…….

Because I know you are alive and you live in me. It's going to be all right”

God never let me go. He's always been here with me, through all the good and through all the bad and it's going to be all right. As things improve, I'm becoming more aware of others around me. When one is going through a crisis, it's easy to become self absorbed and consumed with one's situation. Yet, the truth of the matter is, there are people all around me going through their own trials. It's not just me.This is a hurting world full of hurting people in need of Hope.

In general, we as humans, as the culture continues to change, are becoming a population that no longer communicates very well on an intimate level. Yes, many of us have Facebook, Twitter, smart phones, e-mail, etc. However, take a good look at it all. As more and more people turn to social networking to communicate with friends, family and acquaintances via high tech gadgets, the general population itself is becoming more superficial in it's general communication with one another. We've become so busy, so consumed and sometimes so self absorbed that we are losing the ability to get to know one another well, build close, intimate friendships and bare one another's burdens. Instead, we keep most everything to ourselves and bare our burdens alone. As ironic as it sounds, the consequence to social networking, for some, is not more communication with others, but a system of superficial communication with a lot of people and an overall feeling that very few people truly care about anyone anymore. Who cares?

I don't mean to sound so judgmental and critical, please don't take it that way. It's just that there so many people in the world that feel alone. Alone is the worst thing in the world, and one of the greatest moments in my life was when I finally realized I am never alone. God is always with me.  He's here. He loves me and He cares. It has changed how I viewed my world. Things aren't as bad as I once thought they were and it is going to be all right, because Salvation, God, Jesus is right here with me and I will trust Him no matter what. I hope you will too and I hope that this has encouraged you in whatever you may be going through, never give up. God is with you and He will never give up on you.

Click on the video below. This is a brand new song by Kerri Roberts called, “No Matter What.” May you be blessed by the message.


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