I guess the internet worked well in the theatre because 90% of the 600 member audience was texting or calling someone on their cell phones. That meant that at least another 600 were on their phones in reply.
I thought of all that energy shooting through the heavens and wondered how the world would change if 1200 of us made that much effort to pray.
I yell out to my God, I yell with all my might, I yell at the top of my lungs. He listens. (Psalm 77:1, MSG)
Our prayers may not leave footprints like texting does, but God’s answers do.
O God! Your way is holy! No god is great like God! You’re the God who makes things happen; you showed everyone what you can do—You pulled your people out of the worst kind of trouble, rescued the children of Jacob and Joseph. (Psalm 77:13-15a, MSG)
Prayer – Lord God Almighty, we are making a thank you list right now of all the things you did, are doing and will do for ,we, your children. Amen
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