Don’t apologize for who you are. Be who you are and do what you do. (Billy Graham)
You suppose you are the trouble, but you are the cure. You suppose that you are the lock on the door but you are the key that opens it. (Unknown)
If you could drink your words, you would taste their bitterness.
Worry is a conversation you have with yourself. Prayer is a conversation you have with God about things he can change.
Stop trying to change scripture when it was written to change you!
Just because you have pain, it doesn’t mean you have to be one.
Our world needs the CPR of Christ, Prayer, and Repentance.
Be still. God is working on your problems right now.
Jesus did not say follow your heart or be true to yourself. He said follow me and be my disciple.
Jesus did not say believe in yourself. He said believe in me.
And Jesus did not say live your own truth. He said I am truth.
Does Jesus say I am the truth?
“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)
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