“For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins,
led away with divers lusts, ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”
– II Timothy 3:6-7 -
The words ‘captive‘ and ‘silly‘ are not kind words. I am certain that no woman would like to be considered as such. Still, God does not waste words. The teaching from II Timothy here is to instruct against false teachers. In the previous verses, God describes what sort of people to BOLO – (Be On The Look Out) for. Not an admirable list either. Characteristics such as those who are…
- Lovers of their own selves
- Covetous
- Boasters
- Proud
- Blasphemers
- Disobedient to parents
- Unthankful
- Unholy
- Without natural affection
- Trucebreakers
- False accusers
- Incontinent
- Fierce
- Despisers of those that are good
- Traitors
- Heady
- Highminded
Wrapping up the list God says they are ‘lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.’ These are the sort of people captive and silly women will entertain, will turn their attention to, will give credence to what they say.
These select words ‘captive‘ (meaning without freedom) and ‘silly‘ (meaning foolish or void of understanding) once considered, might change the mind of the modern woman.
These are descriptive words and the direct result of two things:
- their diverse (many) lusts (forbidden desires), and
- their ever learning (never ending) of new ideas and things.
In today’s society, women boldly declare their intellect, their fortitude and their independence. But here in Scripture we find that the demands of many women to declare their rights and never ending desire to always look for the new and better thing results in the two unkind words ‘captive‘ and ‘silly‘.
It seems that professing themselves wise, they have become fools for the end result is they have become ‘captive‘ (meaning without freedom) and ‘silly‘ (meaning foolish or void of understanding). Much worse is that they have made themselves prime targets for ‘…those who creep into houses‘.
A wise woman is a free woman. A wise woman’s head is not easily turned to the ‘new and better’. She has selected to build her house with wisdom by confessing her sin when God reveals it to her and avoiding the ‘new and better thing’ by holding fast to the teaching of her LORD.
WOW! An eye opener for me..
Wow this opened my eyes
God showed me this verse in a dream, after a series of dreams that I’d been having about men that I knew, that were mentally seductive and interesting to me, despite my marriage to my husband. Then he showed me in another dream two young girls, one a lesbian, attempting to seduce and be intimate with the other young girl. Ironically, in church today my pastor suggested that everyone become familiar with this verse. This is just mind – blowing!! God never ceases to amaze me