I’ve noticed something that really bothers me lately. People who profess to be Christians are not just saying mean things about President Obama – they’re praying them. The worst I’ve seen so far has got to be a prayer someone created a Facebook fan page for that tells God about all their favorite people who have died this year and then goes on to tell Him that Obama is their favorite President. The prayer’s intent is obviously very nasty.
Look. I’m not saying you have to agree with everything he does. I’m not saying you can’t have freedom of speech. Those are your rights as an American and I am glad that we have the right to believe as we please and speak as we please. But you also have responsibilities as a Christian. If you are going to make statements about President Obama or pray to the Lord about him, then you should take a look at your Bible before you decide God will be pleased with a comment or a prayer that shows hatred or is a veiled death wish against a man who holds the office of President of the United States.
The Bible urge us in Romans 13:8 (KJV) to “Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.” That alone should have us all rethinking our attitudes in this heated political climate, but there is more. In 1 Timothy 2:1-4 (KJV), the Bible addresses how we should pray about those in power:
1I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
2For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
3For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
4Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
It seems pretty clear to me.
I don’t believe that people actually pray for the death of anyone. I can believe that the head may say it but not the heart. It is something said but not meant. I pray for his life[person] to be protected but certainly not destroyed.
With all respect, bmill9xx, there ARE people, many of them self-described God-fearing conservatives, who pray for exactly that. They seem to forget so easily that one of the most Christian men to ever hold office wasn’t a Republican, but a Democrat: Jimmy Carter. This is an excellent article, Katelyn. I hope more people will read it and think about what they’re really praying for.
What has Democrat or Republican got to do with anything. Jimmy Carter was a Democrat and Politican, I’m not sure of the Christian Part. GOD will judge that part of his life. I am retired ARMY, I believe in Fair and Balanced. I AM A CHRISTIAN and I believe in helping my neighbor. And I pray that all people will come to and come closer to GOD and stay in that relationship. Billy Miller
“What has Democrat or Republican got to do with anything?” Well, in this case, and on this topic, I’d pretty much say, “Everything.” Look at the TITLE of this post. Who, in our current, emotionally-charged political climate, is most likely to be voting AGAINST Obama? Most likely, certain Republicans. You’re certainly not likely to find that many Democrats taking that particular view. It sounds to me as if youve never been exposed to right-wingers who truly think that THEIR way is God’s ONLY way, and that anyone who even THINKS of voting for a Democrat is essentially “voting against God.” If you have truly never been exposed to that kind of self-righteousness among over-the-top political enthusiasts, then trust me: that, in itself, is a blessing. My point is that any Republican who would pray AGAINST the president (or anyone else in office) rather than praying FOR them is in need of a serious reality check, beginning with this well-written post.