Fri-nally, it is Friday! Is that how you feel about your week? Yippee for the playdate weekend ahead! Bring on the celebrations! Party time?
Is work your drudge time? Friends, work is always with us! We must learn to enjoy life wherever and whatever it holds.
The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance, to the full, till it overflows! (John 10:10, AMPC)
It does not say enjoy only the weekends, or the non-work schedules or enjoy only if you are with the family.
No, it says that Jesus came so that we could have life in abundance, that is all the time.
To the full…all the time.
Till it overflows…all the time.
What is making you into a sourpuss today? Better re-read John 10:10 and at least smile!
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