Remember when I said I wasn’t going to work out? Well, a good friend of mine introduced me to a new workout called “The Dailey Method.” There are only two…
When I was growing up, my folks had serious rules about resting on Sundays. I’ll admit, my brother and I thought our parents used it as an excuse to be…
Do you ever feel like you aren’t good enough? Like you’re nothing special? Like you don’t make a difference? Do you realize those thoughts come from Satan? I don’t know…
Last week, I had the privilege of having my friend/ social worker over to the house. It was our first home-study meeting and my goal was to impress. But of…
A couple of weeks ago, our Mothers On Mission ministry gathered up lightly used clothes for a local elementary school. I stood in the lunchroom surveying the neatly organized, second-hand…
Ring, ring… the doorbell sounds. I scoot to the door, twist the knob, and greet the babysitter with my biggest Christmas smile. The Christmas smile is suddenly interrupted by gooey,…
Has sin tangled with your emotions and left behind a knotted mess in your heart? It’s like trying to straighten a string of lights on an overly dried-out Christmas tree. Why in…
Satan is poised to pounce when I’m vulnerable. He points out the flaws I already know I have. His humiliation pushes my head down. His accusations of past mistakes pierce…
My mom is a y’all-using, cookie-baking, tear-wiping, soap opera-watching, fun-loving girlfriend. She isn’t just a friend, she is also my mama. She loves hard, hugs hard and spanks pretty hard…
Do you think you are worthy? Sometimes, we allow unworthiness to pull us by the hair, drag us through the mud, and smear our reputation. Unworthiness demands our attention. It…
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