Psalm 23:5–You serve me a six-course dinner in front of my enemies. You revive my drooping head; my cup brims with blessing. (MSG)
Determined to have a special something on the table for everyone, Granny went all out with meal preparations. For us kids, it was always canned spaghetti, a treat we seldom got at our own home. There would be chilled, stewed tomatoes and spicy baked beans, whipped potatoes, buttery corn, peas, golden quash and more.
One Christmas, we counted eleven side dishes. Gran had even topped herself with creamed celery, a distant favourite of my cousin’s! We all shook our heads in displeasure, exclaiming that it was just too much, why didn’t she stop, it was too much work and nary a thank you among us. She just smiled and kept on dishing up, delighted to have provided everyone’s heart’s desires!
Psalm 23 explains what a wonderful spread God puts up for his loved ones. Six courses! Wow! Oh, let’s think about our lives and how He has filled them to overflowing with not just the ordinary, but the extraordinary, things that we didn’t even know existed, things that are as foreign to us as my Gran’s creamed celery. And we say?
Prayer: Father God, We forget and forget and forget. We take for granted repeatedly and then wait for you to serve us up some more. Forgive us. We can never say it enough. Thank You. Amen.
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