If you could ask Jesus about evolution, would He say He believed in it? You can find His answer in the scriptures. It is clearly obvious that Jesus did not believe in evolution and if you can believe in Jesus, which I do, then let His words prove it to you. Don’t believe me, believe what Jesus says.
In Matthew 19:4-6, He answers the question about divorce from the Pharisees saying, “4 And He answered and said, “Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh? ‘ So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together let no man separate.” So God did not create amoebas after the amoeba kind or single-celled creatures after the single-celled creature kinds.
Did Jesus Believe the Story of Noah’s Ark?
Big time yes on this. In Matthew 24:37 He speaks of the end times, saying “As in the days of Noah, so shall also be the coming of the Son of Man be”.
Did Jesus Believe Jonah Was Swallowed by a Great Fish?
Yes, He did. In Matthew 12 some of the scribes and Pharisees said to him, “Teacher, we wish to see a sign from you.” He said to them in reply, “An evil and unfaithful generation seeks a sign, but no sign will be given it except the sign of Jonah the prophet. Just as Jonah was in the belly of a great fish three days and three nights, so will the Son of Man be in the heart of the earth three days and three nights. Jesus speaks of Jonah and this necessarily included him being swallowed by a “great fish”, not a whale as is supposed and which is not in the original Hebrew.
Of course a Christian’s salvation does not depend upon whether he or she believes in evolution or not, but whether he or she believes in Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12). Evolution and Jesus words are not compatible with evolution. God is Creator and He didn’t use happenstance or random events. Whether you believe in evolution or not, I pray you believe in Jesus Christ, because that belief holds your entire future in it.
Pascal’s Wager
Here’s what is at stake. Take Blaise Pascal and read what is called Pascal’s Wager: “If you erroneously believe in God, you lose nothing (assuming that death is the absolute end), whereas if you correctly believe in God, you gain everything (eternal bliss). But if you correctly disbelieve in God, you gain nothing (death ends all), whereas if you erroneously disbelieve in God, you lose everything (eternal damnation).” I am putting all of my chips on the table, I’m all in, and I am staking my eternity on Jesus. What will hell be like? No light, outer darkness, for He is light. And separation from God will be hell enough…for all time. You can bet your life on Jesus.
The 2000 year old words of a mythical person named Jesus does not prove anything but this argument is equally as logical as your last one. So your reference to Pascal’s Wager is interesting; you are choosing to believe in something for the reward, not because of any earnest, meaningful belief. At least that’s the way most see it.
Jack, I don’t think any of your references to Jesus’ words indicate that He believed or disbelieved the theory of evolution. You’re using a Scriptural reference He used to teach about divorce and applying it to evolution. The reference is irrelevant. Also, Jesus’ reference to Noah could simply be a comparison of one metaphorical time of God’s dramatic judgment on humankind that His audience would recognize to a future reality when the Son of Man returns to judge the living and the dead. The Jonah reference can also be an allegorical interpretation of Scripture where Jesus is drawing a true message of faith from a story that didn’t literally happen, but the value of which is rooted entirely in the message of faith that it conveys. I’d be interested to hear your take on a comparison between the story of Noah and the older Epic of Gilgamesh. Noah’s story is almost identical apart from the theology. This leads me to believe that Noah’s story was just a Hebrew rewrite of the Gilgamesh poem to explain a mythical Great Flood with the one true God of Israel rather than the many false gods of the Sumerians and Akkadians. I lean towards an allegorical interpretation of Scripture, especially in the earliest chapters of Genesis where the author does not go through the same efforts as the authors of the historical books of the Bible to pinpoint the time in history when the stories happened (i.e. using Kings reigning at the time, major cities thriving at the time, major conflicts, etc. to give the reader several clues as to when exactly the event in question happened). I am a Christian that believes in the theory of evolution. I believe that evolution is a mechanism of God’s creation that God’s creatures have been allowed to play a part in just as the Bible is the divinely inspired word of God that God allowed humans to influence (hence the patriarchal bias in it). I believe that the Genesis stories are invaluable because of the true messages of faith that they convey. This was the purpose of these ancient stories. I’m glad that you made it clear that faith in Christ is the most important thing, but I’m only being honest when I say that I don’t like how your article suggests that Jesus didn’t believe in evolution as it implies that it is unChristian to believe in evolution (for if we believe something that Jesus didn’t believe in, then we are unChristian). The truth is that Jesus probably never said a word about evolution because there was no point in Him talking about such a concept with His audience. You don’t know whether or not Jesus believed in evolution. Your references don’t prove that He didn’t believe in evolution. In response to Duderman’s comment, Pascal may be the one that was believing in something for the reward and not an earnest, meaningful belief, but I don’t think the same can be said for Jack. He was just using Pascal’s wager to make a point. Besides, it’s not uncommon or wrong for human beings to do something because there’s a reward involved. Self-interest is a part of human nature. We work well with a system of rewards and punishments. This is how God has managed us throughout history. Also, an individual’s desire for the reward of heaven doesn’t diminish the individual’s belief. Your claim that Jesus is a mythical person is ridiculous. There is plenty of historical evidence that proves He existed. If you want to question whether or not He was the divine Son of God incarnate, that’s up for debate. But to say He’s a mythical person is silly. If I got any of your messages wrong, Jack or Duderman, please correct me.
The words of an actual historical fact of history are those that I quoted. Who is to say that if someone 2,000 years from now were to say that YOU did not exist and Mr. Duderman was a mythological person. I would think your ancestorial family would protest. I am blogging next on the Historicity of Jesus Christ and evidence, empirical at that, of His resurrection. A fact of history. Now Aesop’s Fables, that IS myth. Even the writer acknowledged that. And as for Pascal’s Wager, I am choosing to believe in something that exists…and yes, it is real. Rewards and punishinments thusly will be all too real as well.
Did Jesus Believe in Evolution? Jeebus couldn’t have known what evolution is. Everyone back then believed in magical creationism. Jeebus was just a typical uneducated moron but unlike Jack Wellman, Jeebus had a good excuse for his ignorance. What’s your excuse Wellman? http://darwinkilledgod.blogspot.com/