I don’t know about you, but for me, I do so much better when I know there are others out there struggling with the same things I am. It is easier for me to get out and exercise when I have a friend to do it with me. Easier for me to work my Dave Ramsey plan when I know other couples are eating rice and beans as well. Easier for me to make tough parenting decisions when I’ve talked to like-minded moms who have been there and done that. In a recent post, I shared Christ’s heart for us to stand out like a sore thumb–to be different. In being different and following what God desires for our lives, often we are left feeling isolated. We are making choices based on what we learn God wants for us while society has an “anything goes” attitude. In marriage, parenting, friendships, and work it can seem like you are the only one wanting more from life, i.e. the abundant life that God promises.
Well imagine the possibilities of having a community of Christian women from all over the world, no longer separated by geography, race, or denomination. Women who are together discovering what Christ has been up to in their lives and then encouraging each other to share those talents, gifts, and life experiences with others! This will change you, your family, your church, your community. iBloom, is launching the iDiscover Community. It is a community designed to help you discover the unique gifts and talents God has given you and then encourage you to get out and live your life–abundantly.
The enemy would love nothing more than for you to ignore the call that God has on your life. For you to just go through life putting out fires and trudging through. He wants you to stay so busy that you never discover the design God has for your life. He wants you to be too tired to make a difference. He wants you to be afraid to use the mistakes you’ve made to help someone else. He wants you to be isolated in your faith and discouraged by the 6:00 news, your toddler’s lack of interest in potty training, and the laundry that just never seems to end. Are you going to settle for an average life or are you willing to take a risk? Will you step out of the ordinary routine and take a chance by checking out this like-minded group of women who want to know and start living into God’s design for their lives? Take the next step and find out more about the iDiscover Community. Your extraordinary life awaits.
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