Dan Cathy is the President and Chief Operating Officer of Chick-fil-A, Inc. A committed Christian, he’s an inspiring man with an amazing story. That may explain the Chick-fil-A passion statement: Live, Love, and Lead.
Last night, my good friend, Pastor Steve Viars, introduced me to yet another aspect of Dan Cathy’s life. Steve shared a powerful message about how, by God’s grace, Faith Baptist Church is reaching out into the Lafayette community with Christ’s love. Included in Steve’s presentation at the annual conference of the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors (NANC) was the following training video created by Chick-fil-A.
Dan Cathy introduces the video. “Every life has a story if we only bother to read it. This is a video we created to remind us that everyone we interact with is a chance to create a remarkable experience.”
Watch the following video at your own risk…it may make you cry; it may challenge you to live, love, and lead; it certainly will not leave you the same as you were before you viewed it.
Dan Cathy says, “There are a million opportunities for each of us every day to live, love, and lead.” So, after you’ve viewed the video, ask yourself, “How will I live, love, and lead today?”
©2010 Chick-fil-A
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