Every time I think mankind can't get anymore deviant I hear of another atrocity. An ABC affiliate ran a story about a Pro-Life group finding aborted fetuses tagged with the mother's name and the date of the abortion in a dumpster behind an abortion clinic outside Lansing, Michigan. There was another story about a funeral for aborted fetuses found more recently in November.
I cannot imagine the pain those babies felt, nor the pain of the mothers after the abortion. I can only cringe in horror at what that group found inside garbage bags inside the dumpster. It reminds me of the Holocaust. Blatant disregard for life is bad enough, and God says it is punishable by death. But to toss those little bodies in the trash can and then in the dumpster is coldness to the nth degree. Although, I shouldn't be surprised or shocked because its abortion and the abortion thought process is that it is merely tissue and a parasite within the mother's womb. According to Michigan state law, dumping the bodies is legal. Imagine that!
If the baby in the womb truly is only tissue, then why do so many women have such terrible feelings of loss after an abortion? Why do they have groups now that gather together to support one another, name their baby and let balloons go with their baby's name attached? No other “tissue” in our body kicks in play, or reacts to loud noises or calms to soothing music or voice. Luke records that John jumped in joy in Elizabeth’s womb at the sound of Mary’s voice. That is a marvelous indication of God’s perfect plan. He set the universe in place with physical laws for an orderly existence. He created us with signatures so unique our DNA sets us apart from more than a billion other humans. He knit David’s bones and inward parts while he was in the womb; He has done no less for all other babies since Abel. He called Jeremiah from the womb for a purpose that only Jeremiah could fill, He has done no less for all others since Abel. The problem is mankind, not God.
I wrote an article for my newspaper back in 2007 about how Mississippi Baptists were collecting Pennies for the Missing. The goal was to collect 50 million pennies for all the abortions committed in the United States. It was half-full in 2007. On January 10, 2010 one million pennies were sent to the White House as a visual reminder that “abortion isn’t health care.”
I know those aborted babies will be in heaven, just like those babies in ancient times that were offered to Molech, as the Bible says “caused to pass through the fire.” In other words those infants were placed in the stone or metal hands that were close to a burning furnace and were roasted to death, an offering to a demon.
This is just another symptom of the end times. The love of man has gone cold, yet while there is life there is still hope. I do not know how much longer God will hold His wrath in check, but I'm praying it won't be much longer. I'm praying that those women who have had an abortion will find peace within their souls and will speak out on the issue. I'm praying for our soldiers being forced into something they never wanted. Mostly, I'm praying for our country that God will have mercy on us.
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