It’s time to fill up your kindle or download to your iPhone, Blackberry, or PC some recommended Christian books from these authors: Jason J. Stellman, Ronie Kendig, Tim LaHaye, Leanne Ellis, and Tricia Goyer.
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Dual Citizens: Worship and Life Between The Already and the Not Yet By Jason J. Stellman / Reformation Trust Publishing Perhaps the biggest challenge for believers today is maintaining their unique Christian identity in the midst of an increasingly secular-and non-identity oriented-culture. Christians are free to participate in culture, but they are not allowed to obscure their identities while they do it. In this book, Jason Stellman argues that in order to accomplish this goal, “being in the world but not of it” Christians need to learn to understand their lives from the future, or from an identity that is rooted in the eternal, not the temporal. Like the saints of old, modern Christians are no less strangers or exiles living in a world that is not their own. |
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From Dust and Ashes, World War II Liberators Series #1
By Tricia Goyer / Moody Publishers Amidst the dark horror of 1945 Austria, a cowardly SS officer abandons his wife as U.S. forces advance on Nazi death camps. Alone and guilt-ridden, Helene begins helping the holocaust survivors—and experiences her own liberation from spiritual bondage. But when she meets Peter, an American soldier who helped free the town’s concentration camp, will old shame overcome the promise of new hope and forgiveness? 448 pages, softcover from Moody. |
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Edge of Apocalypse HC
By Tim LaHaye & Craig Parshall / Zondervan Former U.S. spy-plane hero Joshua Jordan creates the world’s most sophisticated missile defense system to secure America against new enemies. But he finds himself trapped between international and domestic assailants who conspire to steal the weapon. As world events show signs of the apocalypse, what price will Jordan pay to save his country? 352 pages, hardcover from Zondervan. |
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Elvis Takes a Back Seat
By Leanna Ellis / B & H Publishing Group Claudia, a young widow is determined to fulfill her husband’s last request by hauling a three-foot bust of Elvis Presley in the backseat of a vintage Cadillac from Dallas to Memphis to return it to its rightful owner. The road trip-taken with an eccentric aunt who actually knew the “King of Rock ‘n’ Roll,” and a temperamental teen with a suspicious mind of her own-hits some royal roadblocks and detours as these women uncover pieces of their past along with the bust’s mysterious history. What they find along the way changes their lives forever. |
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Dead Reckoning
By Ronie Kendig / Abingdon Press Underwater archeologist Shiloh Blake is consumed with passion for the water and inflamed at the injustices of life, blaming her secret agent father for her mother’s death. When her first large-scale dig traps her in the middle of an international nuclear arms clash, she flees for her life and is followed by an unknown man. Who is he? How is he always one step ahead? Reece Jaxon is a former Navy SEAL, who now serves his country as a spy. His mission is threatened by the beguiling Shiloh Blake as he hunts down the sources to a nuclear dead drop in the Arabian Sea. The only way to end this nightmare and prevent a nuclear meltdown is for Shiloh to join forces with Reece. Will Shiloh violate her vow to never become a spy like her father? Will she reconcile with her father? Will her trust issues destroy her chance for love? And will she allow God to help her through this ordeal? |
Just a word of caution: Dual Citizenship…. and Edge of Apocalypse HC are not free. At least they weren’t just 10-15 minutes ago. I didn’t pay close enough attention and just paid $11.99 for Edge…. That should teach me! 🙂