Psalm 27:8–When Thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, Lord, will I seek. (KJV).
Fields of blooming sunflowers always make me smile. In the early light, their bright faces lift to face the sun in the eastern sky. As the day progresses, though still rooted in the same place, their cheerful faces chase the sun, no matter where it hangs in the blue.
My friend, Jean, calls them God’s Botanical Christians and explains the term this way. Day-in and day-out, their bright faces love the sun so much that they continually point toward it. Our successful walk as a Christian depends on our seeking Him daily.
Sunflowers stand tall and bloom where they are planted through all kinds of weather. We are called to the same attitude, no matter what our circumstances. Later, the sunflower heads will bow down, heavy with seed, and soon after, they will be harvested. Eventually, we too, full of good fruit, our heads bowed in prayer, will be part of God’s heavenly harvest. Oh, to be a worthy Son Flower!
Prayer: Dear Father, help us bloom toward you, no matter what field we find ourselves planted in. Help us be the best Son Flowers that we can be. In Jesus’ name. Amen
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