Thank Jesus For His Decisions In The Garden

One of the changes I experienced when becoming a Christian, was detecting the scent of roses, and being able to appreciate my father’s garden. Whether it be brushing past plants and smelling their scents or watching birds wing their way around it. I also discovered the garden was a good place to relax, and let the mind wander.

Jesus spoke with God in a garden called Gethsemane. No doubt it was created for pleasure and reflection, much like gardens of today, types you will discover in suburbia and perhaps even downtown Jerusalem. At this time, the Garden of Gethsemane is a place of suffering and agony. Christ is there and He knows what is about to happen. (Matthew 26:36-46)

Ever found yourself in a situation and wish you did not know so much? We mortals spend a lifetime cramming our minds with information to be able to arrive at a milestone called, “I wish I did not know so much.”

Christ is suffering from this. His human side starts to get restless and for a moment, it is almost as if he is trying to get out of it. Realizing he needs help, our Lord goes to three disciples whom He handpicked to support him. He finds Peter, James and John sleeping.

Jesus wakes them then goes back to some deep prayer knowing he has support. He goes to confer again and. alas, Peter and the two sons of Zebedee have nodded off. Should we really think badly of Jesus for trying to negotiate with his father?

Now if I happened to be around Gethsemane, a cup of cold water poured over them will get these guys moving. Then I would ask the Lord, “Where do you find these people?”

Jesus is too polite for that kind of back chat. Not only does He have the fruit of the Spirit, He is the fruit of the Spirit. Besides, these people are not Pharisees, just some simple Galilean anglers who have had a mid-life career change.

He frantically awakens them, for history is about to transpire. Judas has arrived in the garden with a mob of soldiers. He is about to earn 30 pieces of silver for a solitary kiss. It will be a large payout which creates great trouble for him. On the other hand, it is the beginning of something very prominent for all humanity.

Jesus could have avoided the cross but He knew all the angles. In all honesty He gave it over to His father to decide the outcome, He prays, “My father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”

It would have been so easy to stay away from Jerusalem or sway the opinions of the priests. Getting around Ciaphas was uncomplicated to say the least. Christ used His free will to allow God’s will to be done. This is something all believers everywhere are grateful for.



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