My passion is for evangelism and we plan to take it to the malls next weekend. To share the Gospel with those who don’t yet know the Savior. But the Woroniecki family takes it to the world and to the streets of the nations. There are fewer families that are more compassionate about sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ than this family who travels the world at their own expense, spending their entire lifetimes to seek those who are lost. This family has an amazing passion for sharing God’s great love, and finding those who thirst for the truth, the life, and the way.
Check out their most recent work on You Tube. Or visit their Web site to see a refreshing approach to evangelizing the lost. You’ll get hooked on their enthusiasm, zest, and passion for life…the eternal life that comes from knowing Jesus Christ.
They would ask you: Are you willing to look deeper, beyond it all? Please give us a chance to help you. It will be well worth your time. What we offer you is not a new group, “church”, formulas, self exaltation or doctrines. What we offer you is the love of the living Jesus who has the answers that you are looking for.
The Woroniecki family others the Living Water that refreshes for life…life from above. They have no policies, no procedures, no doctrinal trainings, no theological teachings, no Bible-thumping preaching. They offer a rejuvenating love for sharing the greatest gift that humans have ever been given. The blood of Jesus Christ, spilled for any who would come and believe in Him. No slogans, no pitches, no sayings, just a clear and concise dousing of the Living Water that will never run out. It will leave you refreshed for eternity.
As a street evangelist myself, I so appreciate their unique way of drawing people to the message of the Master. The way they present their message is unlike any I have ever encountered. It is infectious. It is contagious. It is inspiring. And it is the Gospel. The Great Commission lived out by a family that takes the imperative command to “GO!” (Matthew 28:18-20 and Acts1:8). And “GO!” they do.
If anyone is thirsty…they give eternal quenching from the well that never runs dry. The Living Water of Jesus Christ. Visit their website or their latest You Tube presentation and see what you are missing. I thank God for them. I would hope to be as passionate and bold as they are in sharing the Gospel. I will pray for and ask God’s blessing and protection of the Woroniecki family, and I hope you will too…because they are going into all the world. In fact they are turning the world upside down. And the world will never be the same.
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