It’s National Bible Week!

National Bible Week is a signature event sponsored by the National Bible Association and is observed each year during the week of Thanksgiving to raise awareness of the Bible’s importance and relevance to our nation as a whole, as well as in the lives of people.

It is a time that Christians all around the world can refocus their perspective on the importance of Scripture in our lives. In past years, the National Bible Association in association with the Bible Literacy Foundation sponsored media campaigns to bring attention to the importance of reading God’s Holy Word.

How can you take part in National Bible Week? It’s simple. Get a small or large group together at your house of worship, workplace, home, or other place to read the Bible aloud. Make it a weekly or monthly event. Establish a reading plan and meet together to read the Bible.

Adventure, drama, excitement, await you as you read the Bible. There is also stories of pain, suffering and joy. Everything that touches your life is covered within the pages of the Bible. Begin a small group and establish a reading plan and discover the wonder of reading God’s word.

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  1. Joe_Sewell said:

    Oh, good grief! Many cases of infidelity have arisen from going to the beach, or being in church! “Many cases” of “infidelity” in the heart (i.e., lusting after another) has come about from just being outside! Perhaps this pastor should mandate women wear burqas to work? This is a sign of a leagalistic leader who needs his flock and his employees to bail on him.

    November 23, 2010
  2. Joe_Sewell said:

    Wait, what happened? I was commenting on the pastor who told his staff to get off of Facebook or else.

    November 23, 2010
  3. Joe_Sewell said:

    I’m sorry, I guess using the Tweet or Share buttons messed me up. Can someone with the proper site privileges remove my 3 comments? I’d appreciate it.

    November 23, 2010

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