One could almost feel sorry for Joran Van der Sloot if the evidence didn’t point so clearly to him murdering young Stephany Flores Ramírez in Peru. It is still up in the air whether he had a hand in Natalee Holloway’s demise. Now, he is saying that he was tricked by officials into confessing to the Ramírez murder.
According to a CNN report the autopsy did show blunt force trauma to her head, and signs of affixation, plus she had been on amphetamines.
But what is more astounding, is there was a “psychological evaluation” done on Mr. Van der Sloot which reveals these things about him:
- low tolerance for frustration
- does not value the female role
- contradiction sends him into a “challenging mode”
- “emotionally immature” which sends him out of control
- exerts dominance over females
- anti-social behavior traits
- doesn’t exhibit care for “others’ well-being”
- seems to recognize reality (no pathological traits that would impede the process
He told a Dutch reporter that he was told if he signed all the papers put in front of him that he would be transferred to the Netherlands. He said, “in blind panic I signed everything but didn’t know what the papers said.”
In his confession, he had told officials that he had elbowed Stephany in the face before he suffocated her with his shirt.
Van der Sloot stated in his confession, according to the CNN report, “There was blood everywhere,” van der Sloot said in the transcripts. “What am I going to do now? I had blood on my shirt. There was also blood on the bed, so, I took my shirt and put it on her face, pressing hard, until I killed Stephany.”
Such a remarkable correlation to what her body told pathologists during the autopsy, isn’t it?
Now, he has a different story. He is now saying that robbers were waiting for him when he got back to the room and they killed her.
The police force in Peru say they have “overwhelming evidence that he committed” this murder. I believe the evidence. I've watched enough Forensics Files to know beyond doubt that the smallest of evidence can bring down the largest of criminals.
I believe God has answered the prayers of Natalee Holloway’s family in that her murderer has now been caught.
[I]I believe God has answered the prayers of Natalee Holloway’s family in that her murderer has now been caught.[/I] Really, Ms. Burgess? Christian or no, I find this comment to be highly disturbing, insensitive and thoughtless. I sincerely hope it wasn’t intentional. If, in fact, Van der Sloot’s recent capture and incarceration was an answer to prayer, it would mean that the brutal, senseless murder of Stephany Flores was also included in that answer. I would prefer to think that neither the Holloways nor anyone else would have prayed for another death at the hands of Van der Sloot merely for the satisfaction of seeing him behind bars. With all respect, perhaps you should re-think this comment. Or if you do, in fact, honestly believe that Stephany’s murder was also a response to prayer, I encourage you to re-think that attitude. FAX
FAX said: “If, in fact, Van der Sloot’s recent capture and incarceration was an answer to prayer, it would mean that the brutal, senseless murder of Stephany Flores was also included in that answer.” How sad that you automatically jumped to that conclusion. My sentiment doesn’t mean that at all. The culprit is the villain here, not me or Natalee Holloway’s family. It is tragic that Stephany Flores RamÃrez was murdered, and my heart breaks for her family. But, concluding that God would answer a prayer by the murder of a young woman is a leap off a cliff that I would never take. However, whatever man means for evil, God can and does use for good. (Joseph to his brothers in Egypt in Genesis.) There is not one evil thing done in darkness that won’t come to light (John 3). God is the Almighty and the consequences of sin will happen. This is what happened with Van der Sloot. There was never a need to pray for another young woman’s death just so Van der Sloot would be caught. There is enough evil in the world without praying for it to happen. God wouldn’t answer that prayer anyway. God does not sin. No Christian prays for evil to happen so that it will cancel out another evil. However, it is Biblical to pray for the criminal to be caught, and for the light to shine on the evil. David did it all the time (Psalms 7 and 31 just to name two.) Paul assured Timothy of it in 2 Tim 4:18. Please, I would appreciate it if you would rethink your conclusion.
Well, although I don’t fully understand the defensive nature of your reply, I’m pleased and comforted that you took the time to respond as well as clarify your statement, Ms. Burgess. Honestly, the last sentence in your article was very straightforward; You believe(d) that Van der Sloot’s incarceration was an answer to the Holloways’ prayers. Setting aside, for the moment, the fact that, in that statement, you refer to Van der Sloot as Natalee’s murderer when he was neither charged nor convicted of that crime, it is clear that Van der Sloot would not now be jailed were it not for the death of Stephany Flores. And, since his arrest was and is utterly dependent on her murder, the “answer” to their prayers ostensibly required the latter in order to realize the former. That, of course, was the reason for my concern. Surely it is unnecessary for me to explain that, rather than “jump to conclusions”, I merely took your statement as it was written and at face value – without making assumptions. Although we might disagree on certain interpretations of Scripture (as many Biblical scholars often do) and although it’s fair (by any reasonable standard) to say that David’s relationship with God was unique, I think we would and can agree that an additional “evil” was not necessary for “justice” to take place in the Holloway situation. It would have been far better for all concerned if sufficient evidence could have been gathered allowing both the authorities and the Holloways to arrive at the full, complete truth surrounding Natalee’s disappearance and presumed death. But all that, of course, is in the past. Currently, it seems to me that the more Christian-like sentiment at this time is to pray that the families of both these girls will find comfort and the “peace that passeth all understanding”. In addition, please allow me to suggest that rather than continue to demonize Van der Sloot (who remains unconvicted as justice runs its course), the Christian thing to do is to pray for his soul, that God might enter his heart leading him to acknowledge his action, confess the details of his crime(s), and learn how to live out the remainder of his life seeking a more intimate relationship with God. He’ll need it. FAX