This is why people are condemned: The light came into the world. Yet, people loved the dark rather than the light because their actions were evil. – John 3:19
My last post was about there being no condemnation for those who are in Christ. In today’s verse Jesus tells us the reason that people are condemned. Jesus (the light) came into the world, yet people loved the darkness. Their actions were evil.
Not much has changed in 2000 plus years. Today the majority of people in the world love their evil ways. Their evil is not always apparent. From the very beginning we see that serving God should be the foremost activity of humans. He created us and when we fell into sin He sent Jesus to redeem us from that sin. Yet we continually put other things before Him in our lives.
Cain gave an offering that was not acceptable to God. We aren’t sure what Cain offered, but the consensus of Bible scholars is that he gave less than his best. This caused God to reject the offering. I wonder how God feels when we spend hundreds of dollars on sporting activities but barely give a tenth of our income to Him in tithe; and we do that grudgingly. I wonder how God feels when we jump, shout and get excited over the win of our favorite teams yet on Sunday mornings we are barely able to drag ourselves to church.
Cain’s offering seems to have set the example for our offerings today. Our time, talents and energy belong to God, yet we give them to trivial things. Too many people who claim the name of Christ put others before our Savior. God calls this idolatry. Please give your life’s priorities some prayerful consideration. It may be that some changes need to be made.
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