Tombstone sayings can be spiritual remembrances, an ode to love, a thought to push the living or downright hilarious. Try some of these funny ones on for size.
Here lies an atheist. All dressed up and nowhere to go!
I’ve earned the rest.
I was hoping for a pyramid!
That’s all folks (Mel Blanc’s tombstone)
At last, a hole in one (golfer’s tombstone)
Now I know something you don’t!
I came here without being consulted and I leave here without my consent.
Maybe we should plan our own ahead of time. Who knows what the relatives are thinking?
The place of crucifixion was near a grove of trees, where there was a new tomb, never used before. And so, because of the need for haste before the Sabbath, and because the tomb was close at hand, they laid him there.
(John 19:41-42, TLB)
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