I continue to worry about Mrs. Robin. There she is; (I presume!) full of hope and waiting to birth her eggs, feed and nourish her chicks and send them off to robin university. Does she know that the Bible says this?
And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. (Romans 5:5)
Do you? When we yearn for something to take place, while we wait for God to act, while we hang on through difficulty, do we continue to hope?
Now I expect Mrs. robin has long since laid her eggs is a safe environment, but my imagination often takes flight.
My imagination flares up in my own mind too. The what-ifs assail me and attack my faith. Maybe it does the same in yours.
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. Our hope is worth clinging to because our God is so faithful. (Hebrews 10:23)
And maybe Mrs. Robin is clinging to this verse.
“That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? (Matthew 6:25-27)
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