I was talking to my sweet friend Mandy the other day and something she said has really stuck in my head. We were saying that we feel like God is doing something big; He is calling us out. We have been learning and drawing closer to God and now it's time to start doing. We are the body of Christ – we are to be His hands and feet on this earth. It's time to take this hope we have been given out into the streets to this lost world. Honestly this is something that makes me uneasy. I am more comfortable in my circle of Christian friends. Going out into the world, serving for Jesus, makes me uncomfortable. Then Mandy said, “Maybe it's time for our comfort zones to get a little smaller.”
Wow! Is my comfort more important than seeing lost people come to know Jesus? I sit in my comfortable home and acquire more stuff. I'm done. I don't want more stuff, I want more Jesus! No more us (saved) and them (unsaved) mentality. I am no more worthy of God's grace than anyone else.
I have my ipod on shuffle as I'm typing this post. The last two songs that have played have both talked about being the hands and feet of Jesus to the world – We Unite, by Elevation Worship and Until the Whole World Hears, by Casting Crowns. I don't think that's a coincidence. (smiles)
God is calling me to a new place. I know it's time for my comfort zone to get a little smaller.
Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it (1 Corinthians 12:27).
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