Never go back for seconds of what you have already eaten. Now that might be good diet advice but its even better life advice.
What is not working for you? Then STOP IT RIGHT NOW!
Continue to abandon your family and someday they will do the same to you.
Continue cheating on your income tax and someday the government will find out.
Move away from what ails you. Eat the food of life in all things and in all ways.
Think before you speak.
Smart people know what to say. Wise people know when.
We fail over and over because we keep repeating the same old habits. Take a good look at yourself today and also at your success level.
Check with God. Give him the final word. Act on it. These words apply to our own selves as well as to others.
Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.
(Romans 12:9, NIV)
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