Yep, that’s me, writing for you, but finding strength in what the Holy Spirit reveals to me as I scribble. Even though it is almost two years since Ron died, some days my grief seems heavier than at the beginning. So I started out to write about optimism on April 2 and rediscovered the commandment in Nehemiah chapter eight.
And be not grieved and depressed, for the joy of the Lord is your strength and stronghold. (Nehemiah 8:10b, AMP)
How could they just stop grieving and being depressed?
1. They read from God’s Word and understood it. (Verse 8)
2. They celebrated by eating and drinking and sharing with others. (Verse 10a)
3. And they decided not grieved and depressed. Instead they recognized that the joy of the Lord was their strength and stronghold. (Verse 10b).
Just to be sure they really ‘got it’, their leaders repeated the instructions!
God first, do not be grieved or sad (verse 11) and go eat, drink, share and rejoice because you understand. (Verse 12)
I’m willing to try that. How about you?
Prayer – God, here we are, starting all over again, choosing Your joy as our strength, but then, You already knew that we would. Thanks for Your patience. Amen.
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