There is an experiment taking place this summer. An experiment that is already changing the world, changing lives, and helping thousands of children find peace in Northern Uganda.
The Voices Experiment was founded by Brian Pappalardo, Sean Hines, and Josiah Lamerson. These guys are traveling the nation this summer to raise money and awareness for Resolve Uganda. This is a grassroots campaign to encourage the nation to bring awareness to our government leaders about the need for social justice Northern Uganda. You may also be aware of the organization Invisible Children, another group that promotes awareness and travels around the nation bringing awareness to youth and churches about the need for help in Northern Uganda.
Invisible Children is where Brian, Sean, and Josiah met, shared a passion for change, and hope and are now taking a bold step share with the nation the need for help and reform overseas! These organizations rely on word of mouth, grassroots campaigning to bring awareness to the world. People all over the nation are giving up their lives to travel for weeks on vans and busses just to get the word out about the children who need help in Northern Uganda. If you are unfamiliar with the events taking place in Uganda, then you should be informed. Here are the facts on Africa's longest running war, over 20 years of social war that are turning young boys some the age of 5 years old into soldiers, and young girls into sex slaves. These are the Invisible Children. The church especially should take note of these injustices in order to promote peace and hope in a suffering world.
Resolve Uganda is a non profit who's target is peace. They encourage people to share, and write to US representatives so that there can be some support given to those who are suffering in Northern Uganda. This summer, these guys are helping to further the support of Resolve Uganda and hope that these children will not be forgotten!
Recently, Barack Obama signed the LRA Disarmament and Northern Uganda Recovery Act passed by the House of Representatives without a single objection. This was a huge step forward for the activists who have been spreading awareness without much help since early 2003. Hope has come to those who are seeking peace in Northern Uganda—but there is so much more to be done.
For organizations and groups like The Voices Experiment, Invisible Children, and Resolve Uganda this is only the beginning. Support and funding to make trips to take clothes, food, and share hope with these children are still needed. And while you would think a major bill such as this would be well known, people nationwide are still in the dark of what's happening in Africa.
Brian and his friends are hoping to make a difference in Northern Uganda, and hoping to raise enough money to continue living in their vans and spreading the word. So be sure to watch out for these guys in your city. They are coming, and if you can find the time to have a listen to their great music, or spare a few dollars to give to an amazing cause, then please do!
Even if you can't find the time or afford a few dollars, that's okay! They need your prayers, and support. Join their Facebook page here and follow their journey across the nation celebrating hope with music, and spreading love with song—your kind words keep them warm at night.
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