Too many of us are known for our sharp tongues.
They sharpen their tongues like a serpent’s; adders’ poison is under their lips. Selah [pause, and calmly think of that]! (Proverbs 140:3 AMP)
We sound like professional chefs who sharpen their knife blades before every meal. The good thing is that the more you use a sharp edge, the harder it is to sharpen. Eventually that sharp knife becomes useless.
Does that happen to those sharp tongues? Yes, in a way it does. After a while people avoid you and your sharp wordy tongue. They pay no attention to you and your tongue is useless against them. Repeated sharpening will narrow the influence of your tongues to the point of useless in the field of cutting remarks.
Prayer- Lord, may our tongues grow narrower in sharp retorts and comments and eventually fade away into nothing but kindnesses. For Christ, who is kindness personified. Amen.
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