Do you ever wonder why the Bible compares believers to sheep? Here is some sheep info that will help clear it all up for you.
Sheep cannot survive without a shepherd. They need a lot of supervision because left to their own devices they are always in trouble. Dogs and wolves will attack them.
The shepherd must clear away poisonous plants before the sheep get to them and swallow them with nary a thought.
Sheep will walk right over a cliff, or fall in a hole and stay there. They wander off whenever they can find a fence opening.
And did you know that if a sheep is not shorn of its wool, it will die? The weight of it and the mess it collects is just too much.
So when it seems like your life is shorn of everything you love and think you need, remember that your shepherd, the Lord Jesus Christ is doing the best for you, even though it doesn’t feel like it.
I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. (John 10:11, KJV)
Prayer- Dear Shepherd Jesus, help us to be better sheep as we follow our Shepherd, Jesus Christ. Amen.
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