Maybe our voice isn't strumming out a cacophony of melodic tunes like 'Amazing Grace’, 'I walk the Line’, or 'Today I'm Going to Try to Change the World' but our heart can still know its owner. We can thank God in everything that's happening to us today.
2 Thessalonians 2:13 says give thanks IN all things, not FOR all things.
I found that verse so easy to quote when my life was zooming along swimmingly above the waves of trouble, death and destruction. However, with my husband’s illness over the last ten years or so, ups and downs happened almost on a daily basis….or even in the same sentence.
Here is a line from my journal.
Up- ‘To our surprise Ron was released from hospital today when we had expected him to be in till Wednesday.
Down- His last chemotherapy worked too well and took his white and red cells down to almost non-existent……’
Up- Ron is out of hospital early.
Down-the chemotherapy worked too well and placed him in danger of infection. Sigh.
But only a few days later, I recorded that Ron was back to his old self and we were grateful!! I added that God is GOOD!!
But God was also GOOD when Ron wasn’t well. He was still GOOD when Ron died. How do I know that? Because God’s very nature is GOOD!
When we feel like we don't have any support/back up music for our singing, remember this. God is always GOOD, He always loves us and he always wants the best for us.
Nahum 1:7- God is good, a hiding place in tough times. He recognizes and welcomes anyone looking for help, No matter how desperate the trouble (MSG)
Zechariah 9:17-For how great is God's goodness and how great is His beauty (AMP).
Prayer: Lord, in spite of our circumstances today, or maybe even because of them, we choose to sing your praises loud and clear!!! In Jesus’ name. Amen
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