Are you stuck in a place you do not want to be? How can we get to a better place in our lives? How can we finally achieve those goals we sent so long ago? Let’s say you want a degree in engineering. (Choose any goal you like. This is just an example)
Ask yourself these questions.
How badly do I want to get that degree? Badly enough to give up TV to study? Badly enough to drive the hour to class? Badly enough to pay the money required?
Am I really ready? What changes am I prepared to make? What will it take out of my life? What will it add in?
Am I determined to follow through? Will I hand in my assignments on time? Will I ask for tutoring if I need it? Will I really follow through for the four years it will take?
Am I discipled or am I just indulging in wishful thinking? I am forty. I will be forty-four when I finish. (Yes, you will be forty-four, but forty-four with a degree)
So, friend, where will you be one, two or three years or even four years from now? The decision is yours.
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. (1 Corinthians 9:24)
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