The Cambrian Explosion And The Incompatibility Of Evolution

In creation theory, the division between “Cambrian” rocks and other catastrophically deposited fossil-bearing rocks is not due to vast periods of time. The reasons for the distinctive fossil assemblages are largely sought in physical and ecological areas. Marine creatures would tend to be buried in a flood catastrophe in different zones (and at varying stages during the flood, also a geological fact) than those living on land. For example the kinds of creatures found fossilized in “Cambrian” rocks once inhabited the same earth at the same time as those kinds found fossilized higher up the ‘geological column’.

Evolutionists themselves, archeologists, paleontologists, curators of the worlds greatest Natural Museums of History…all have long pointed out the problem for the evolution theory, namely that all the major groups (phyla) of life which we know today appear in the Cambrian with no evolutionary ancestors. This is why evolutionists refer to it as an ‘explosion’ of evolution. . The evolutionary conundrum is this absence of ancestors and you will not find what does not exist. Each of the phyla represents a basic blueprint, or unique body plan. Evolution’s deepest paradox is that in rock layers above the ‘Cambrian’ no new or different body plans appear.

Why haven’t new animal body plans continued to crawl out of the evolutionary cauldron during the past hundreds of millions of years?  According to evolution theory, enormous and radical evolutionary changes have taken place in this time, and evolution has not ceased today.  So why no new ‘body plans’ since the time they all allegedly evolved in the Cambrian?  The author of the article in question, Professor of Ecology and Evolution at the State University of New York, wonders, why is it, as evolutionary biologists are still trying to determine, that no new body plans have appeared during the past half a billion years?’  Why indeed?

There's nothing simple about a starfish. It has hundreds of tiny feet which it uses to move along by pumping water through a system of tubes. This is a method we call hydraulics, and which humans use in machinery. But the starfish, still alive today, yet found as fossils in the Cambrian rocks, had it right there in the beginning.  There is no evidence the starfish has evolved. When we look at fossils in Cambrian rocks, we find that not only did these animals have no ancestors, but all the main kinds of living creatures were already there. There were animals with backbones (fish), as well as those without backbones, like shellfish, crinoids (sea lilies), and starfish. Some of these Cambrian creatures have died out, but many types are still alive, and have changed little if at all.

Why don't we find fossils of the ancestors of Cambrian animals?   Evolutionists often say it is because the creatures they evolved from were too soft to fossilize.  But this excuse will not do. Jellyfish are some of the softest creatures of all, and yet they have been found as fossils!   The most sensible reason why we don't find transitional fossils of the ancestors of the Cambrian creatures is that they never existed!

The entire set of unique body plans ever created is represented in all rocks bearing substantial numbers of animal fossils. The ‘Cambrian’ creatures, many of which are now extinct, are not ‘primitive ancestors’ to today’s, but are complex creatures in their own right.  There remains no trace of evolutionary ancestors in the transitory fossil records, even after a 150 years of looking.  There is not one single set of transitional fossils of any kind of species that has ever been found.  Besides, evolution has never once been observed.  So, spending time looking for a “missing link” seems pointless when the entire chain is missing!
An excerpt from “Blind Chance or Intelligent Design?, Empirical Methodologies and the Bible

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  1. 1234aussie said:

    Most peoples evolutionary ideas come from school. The false zygote picture in some “science” books was shown to be false but is still there . The majority of people that “believe”in evolution use it for an excuse to do their own thing instead of what GOD wants .

    February 13, 2011
  2. said:

    Thanks for your comment my friend. I appreciate your perspective and believe it is spot on the mark. I see that these same “science” books also use drawings for transitions that have never been found, thus they are restricted in having to use man-made images.

    February 13, 2011
  3. Human Ape said:

    “There is not one single set of transitional fossils of any kind of species that has ever been found.” Wellman, I understand you’re an uneducated moron, but is it really necessary to be a pathological liar? See the “fossils” label in my blog, then apologize for spreading lies about science.

    April 6, 2011
  4. said:

    I visited the so called “fossils” blog and the alleged “evidence” and here is what I found on your link (maybe this link should be missing too). I had a nice diagram with no fossil evidence. Nice little created chart that was animated. Anyway, I visited the link and it read: “I QUIT. Effective immediately I quit this blog. No more new posts. Comments will not be allowed.” So much for open debate. All I could find where words that I would not let my own children read. X-rated language. Wow. Disappointing.

    April 6, 2011

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