The Construction of Skeletons in Your Closet

As a producer and recording artist, I learned early that social networks on the Internet are important and necessary for business. I have pages on Shoutlife, a Christian social network, MySpace, Facebook and Twitter.

I discovered social networking with Shoutlife. I solicit members to join my page, post band and business information and reply to nearly 7,000 friends. MySpace is similar; however, it is more of a hunt to seek out other Christians. MySpace Christians tend to block bands and entertainers more than other networks. Although many bands have discovered success on these networks, I believe the average Internet socialite is tired of becoming bombarded with band and comedian solicitations. Then, I migrated to Facebook . . . WOW!

Before becoming a Christian several years ago, I was a long-haired rocker. I traveled coast to coast and met many people. I was in the military, sold real estate, lived in many places and had many professions. I don’t hide my past, although I probably should, at least for the sake of my children. I’m new in Christ. God forgets your past. Facebook patrons do not!

I don’t believe we get recycled physically, but every past life, or skeleton in the closet will find you inside these virtual social hangouts. I recently was sought out by a friend of a girl I dated in junior high. I’m certain many of my old friends wonder if my days of partying and walking into walls, caused brain damage and thereby turned me into a Christian. I would like to be a fly on the wall to watch their jaw drop when they make the discovery.

Twitter is the most recent addition to my repertoire. You ask people to follow you, or otherwise stalk you, as you dictate to the forum your daily moments and random thoughts.

These sites are a great way to burn endless hours, rediscover past relationships and make new friends.

However, should there be a pop-up window to recite your Miranda rights before entering many of these open forum networks?

Do social networks open too many doors into the private you?

Do we now disclose too much personal information?

How many pictures and stories of people who don’t even frequent these sites surface into digital infinity?

Not only does every skeleton in the closet come forth, but are we creating skeletons for the future?

Marketing companies can construct profiles for future and present employers, government agencies, detectives, advertisers and so much more.

MySpace is owned by media mogul Rupert Murdoch and the ubiquitous News Corporation, owners of Fox Television, the Wall Street Journal and media outlets across the print and broadcast spectrum. If I were CEO of News Corp, I would be profiling and database every tidbit of information possible.

If Orwell could have envisioned the Internet, he would be astonished. Not only does Big Brother exist, we boldly open the door and invite Big Brother to dinner.


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  1. DanielShock said:

    AH yes. I’ve struggled with this recently… Not from the big brother perspective, but from the “past relationships” perspective. On the one hand its nice to catch up… nice to see where everyone is in life… on the other hand, some of the past might be an unwelcome intrusion… Anyway, you do have a nice testimony on facebook to inform your past of how your life has changed!

    April 17, 2009
  2. MountainLover said:

    I loved this article. You said what I’ve thought many times. I too, am a fairly ‘new’ Christian, (94) and old friends I’ve found on FB are floored. Fortunately, they’ve been floored in a good way. And you’re right about inviting Big Brother in for dinner-but I think we’ve probably been doing that since the internet became so popular.

    April 20, 2009

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