The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry


Looking for a good movie to watch with the family? Back in May, Five&Two pictures released, the movie, “The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry.” Set in the Summer  of 1970, three 12 year old boys experience a summer like no other after meeting 75 year old Jonathan Sperry. It’s heart lifting and inspiring. Jonathan, in his own unique way shares Jesus with these boys and changes their lives forever.

Why is that so important? Why is it so important to share Jesus with one another? Why? Because Jesus is life. He brings hope. He brings love. He brings comfort and security in an insecure world. Jesus brings salvation. Jesus is salvation.

Everyone has doubts. Everyone goes through trials & tribulations. However take heart, that in those times God is developing character. It’s comforting to remember in the midst of such trials that God loves His children and is constantly equipping His children for what is yet to come.

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