The Big Idea: The Best of the Best Around the Christian Net links you to the top five Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living.
Are Mormons Christians?: The Glenn Beck Question Again
It’s been in the news and just won’t and shouldn’t go away. Are Mormons Christians? The question has been raised of late because of Glenn Beck’s rise to prominence in the media. Rob Green at Parchment and Pen, a theology blog, has a detailed, easy-to-read summary answer at Are Mormons Christians?
Christian Piracy
The world’s most popular Christian blogger, Tim Challies, is not popular because he posts popular opinions. Case in point, this week’s blog decrying Christians who download music illegally. You would think that calling that “sin” would be a no-brainer. Think again—scores of comments on the post, Christian Piracy inform us that it’s unpopular to call stealing “sin.”
Getting Boys to Read
It’s a lively debate: Why don’t boys read more and how can we get them to read? Al Mohler, never one to shy away from expressing his convictions, tells us how in On Getting Boys to Read.
Newsweek Redefines Masculinity
I rarely list two posts from the same blog, but this week requires an exception. Al Mohler addresses a timely Newsweek article Man Up in which the author attempts to redefine masculinity. Unsurprisingly, Mohler’s solution is nothing like that provided by Newsweek, even as the title of his post suggests: Man Up or Man Down?
What to Say to a Christian Who Is Dying
Brian Croft at Practical Shepherding has a brief but helpful post about death, dying, and Christian hope. Read his insights: What Do I Say to a Christian Who Is Dying? For a more detailed approached to death and dying, grief and growth, read God’s Healing for Life’s Losses.
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