The Big Idea: The Best of the Best Around the Net links you to the top five Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living.
Resources to Confront the New Fundamentalist Atheism
With Stephen Hawking’s latest pronouncements and with the ever-increasing tribe of angry, fundamentalist atheists, well-reasoned resources are always welcomed. Karisa Schlehr, writing for R. C. Sproul’s Ligonier Ministries provides a boatload in her post: Does God Exist? Helpful Resources Confronting Atheism.
Scientists Respond to Hawking
As I reported in Stephen Hawking: Brilliant But Foolish, and in Hawking or God: Who Do You Believe?, the debate rages about Stephen Hawking’s latest pronouncements. The group Christians in Science and Technology has amassed a great collation of articles in their post Scientists Respond to Hawking.
Taking Back Your Faith From the American Dream
It’s not often that I cite a New York Times article as one of my top five Christian blog posts. But David Brooks nails it in his Op-Ed piece The Gospel of Wealth. His column highlights the ministry and new book of Pastor David Platt who wrote Radical: Taking Back Your Faith From the American Dream.
Tim Tebow Mania
If the New York Times seems an odd fit for a Christian blog recommendation, then Yahoo Sports may seem even less fitting. However, columnist Les Carpenter has an interesting article on Tim Tebow that’s worth reading: Tebow Draws Fans Like No Other in NFL. While Carpenter’s “take” is not necessarily “Christian,” the content of the article is informative regarding what people hunger for in professional athletes.
Fight Fair
We’ve all been in discussions where we’ve known the other person’s argumentation was unfair, but we couldn’t quite figure out why. Now you know. Pastor Kevin DeYoung lists six common approaches to argumentation that are less impressive than they seem. Read about them in Less Than Meets the Eye.
Bonus Post: Change Management
Here’s a bonus, sixth link. Anyone who knows me, knows I’m big on change management and conflict resolution. You also know I’m big on learning from bad examples what not to do. Michael McKinley at Nine Marks Ministries has a great post along those lines: Five Ways to Make Sure a Church Turnaround Fails.
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