Are Your Problems Too Small for God?

Have you ever felt as though your problem, circumstance or personal pain, although a big deal to you, seemed too small for God to be concerned about? Quite the contrary is true. God is not only your Creator and Father, but He is also your Provider. He cares about every detail of your life. It is important that you believe that God wants only the best for your life. When you put your trust in Him you will find that no matter what kind of sickness you may be dealing with—spirit, mind or body—He is an expert at healing your hurts and pains and providing restoration.

Sometimes you can become physically and emotionally drained because of your circumstances. We have all experienced times where there is such a burden on our hearts, that the emotions we incur from suffering or worry paralyze us. At times, even your soul—your mind, will and emotions—needs healing.

God is aware of every situation in life that could cause your spirit or your soul to be uneasy and He has a remedy—His Word. The Bible says, “The law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the [whole] person; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple” (Psalm 19:7, The Amplified Bible). From depression and mental illness, to moments of emotional distress, the healing and restoration you need is available when you seek Him through prayer and meditation on His Word and promises.

Make no mistake about it; pressure from outside circumstances are real. But, when you accept Jesus into your heart by faith, the blessing of God is immediately deposited inside of you. This blessing enables you to overcome all that you would not be able to overcome on your own. It is the supernatural power of God added to your natural ability as a child of God, giving you ability you did not have before. Because of the blessing, you can trust that no matter what you are going through, you won’t have to endure it alone. With the blessing working in you, on you and around you to heal and restore the broken places in your life, you will be victorious.

God is everything you need and desire in life. In addition to trusting Him, you must also believe that you will receive exactly what you ask. He is willing and ready to fulfill His promises. It doesn’t matter the issue or challenge. Even those things that you might think are insignificant to Him, He is capable of perfecting. His Word declares, “So get rid of all the filth and evil in your lives, and humbly accept the message God has planted in your hearts, for it is strong enough to save your souls” (James 1:21, The New Living Translation). Have confidence that when you are depressed or emotionally drained, God will heal and restore your joy.

When it seems hard to bounce back from adversity right away, rely on the power of prayer. Pray to God about those things that weigh on your heart and soul. When you truly understand the impact of God’s healing and restoration in your life, you will understand the need for fervent prayer; a heartfelt plea like David’s when he cried out to God. You don’t have to keep your issues and frustrations to yourself; He wants you to unload your cares on Him. Only then will you find the peace and relief that you seek.

You don’t have to be down and out or burdened and distressed about your issues or problems another day. Don’t receive the negative thoughts that say God doesn’t care or that He is not interested in your situation. Believe in the promises found in God’s Word and you’ll have the comfort and the remedy for not only the issues ravaging your spirit and soul, but any problem you may face. There is hope!

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  1. AAmosLove said:

    Thought this site might be a benefit. “God’s Words of Comfort & Healing” In my experience, depression, sickness, and dis…ease… Often starts with a broken heart. When your heart is not at ease, it’s at dis…ease, When your heart is at dis…ease long enough, it often results in disease. Jesus, He heals the broken hearted and binds up our wounds. **The Book **- Free download – PDF **The Posters** – Forty five 8 x 10 wall posters. in color, and black and white with just the “Word of God.” Put them on hospital room walls, in nursing homes, prisons, etc., anywhere people are in recovery. Give attention to my words. Incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes. Keep them in the midst of your heart. for they are life to those who find them. And health to all their flesh. Proverbs 4:20 + 22 **The Words** – Free download to itunes – Audio and Text. Scriptures, on ten topics, important in the healing process. Listen on line or download the audio and burn them on CD’s. Words and Sayings… From God’s Word… about… Prayer, Healing, The Word of God, Faith, Love, Mercy, Trust, Joy, Forgiveness, Comfort. All free for you to use as the Lord leads. In His Service. By His Grace.

    June 18, 2010

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