A Free Virtual Marriage Conference for Women

Can you think of a time in your life that it would have helped to know something before you made the wrong choice?

Then, of course, there's the frustrating moment when you are telling your friends of the recent calamity, and they say, “Well I could have told you that!”  You're left wondering, “Then why didn't you?!?!?”

Well, even with the best parents, girlfriends, and Googled resources available on the planet, we are still bound to make mistakes on our own and chalk it up to “gaining experience.” Often this happens while shopping for the best deal on a pair of shoes, learning to make a new dish, or even in finding the best dentist and gynecologist.  I don't know about you, but if I can save some time traveling on that long, winding, uphill learning curve, I will, especially when it comes to something as important as finding the best do's and don't for the first, foundational years of marriage.

Sure, we could learn the hard way, by doing all the wrong stuff first on our own.  But why would we, if there are timeless instructions God has given us and there are women out there who have been there, done that and are willing to spare us the learning curve marathon!

Here's a little video message from me to share why I want you to join me and help spread the word!

Flash Animation

If you share my desire to skip as much of the learning curve as possible, join me on October 21st from 8-9:30pm EST for the Happy Marriage Virtual Conference, After the Honeymoon: Now What? I will be sharing what I wish I knew going into my marriage and also assisting you as you create your very own Happy Marriage Vision that you and your husband can build on over a lifetime. For more information and to register for this free conference, visit http://leighannnapier.com/hmconference

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