Try on David’s prayer for deliverance; then ask yourself how we would say that prayer today.
Lord, how many are my foes! How many rise up against me! Many are saying of me, “God will not deliver him.” But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high.
I call out to the Lord, and he answers me from his holy mountain. I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me.
I will not fear though tens of thousands assail me on every side. Arise, Lord! Deliver me, my God!
Strike all my enemies on the jaw; break the teeth of the wicked. From the Lord comes deliverance. (From Psalm 3)
Here it is—the word JUST in places that sadly describe our faith.
Lord, my foes are JUST too many. JUST so many rise up against me! JUST so many are saying of me, “God will not deliver him.” But you, Lord, are JUST a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high.
I JUST call out to the Lord, and he answers me from his holy mountain. I JUST lie down and sleep; I JUST wake again, because the Lord JUST sustains me.
I will JUST not fear though tens of thousands assail me on every side. Arise, Lord! JUST Deliver me, my God!
Strike all my enemies on the jaw; break the teeth of the wicked. From the Lord comes deliverance (From Psalm 3)
Are we praying to a ‘JUST enough’ God who does ‘JUST enough’ and no more; or are we praying to our all fulfilling God who helps us completely and thoroughly, not JUST barely enough.
Prayer- Lord we pray wholeheartedly to you for you give whole hearted answers to our prayers, when they are not the JUST barely enough kind. Amen.
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