Sanctity Of Human Life Sunday

January 23, 2011 is designated as Right to Life Sunday or Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. Would that every day would be so designated. 

I have previously argued that those who are Pro-Civil Rights ought to be Pro-Unborn Rights. This week I found a similar argument, in comparison/chart form from the Illinois Right to Life Committee: Slavery Compared to Abortion

Illinois Right to Life Committee

The court decisions on slavery versus abortion demonstrate an equivalent denial of personhood for two different categories of human beings, slaves and unborn children. 


1. Dred Scott Decision 1857: 7-2 Decision 

2. Blacks Are Non-Persons 

3. Blacks Are Property of Owner 

4. Owner Has a Right to Buy, Sell, Kill 

5. Abolitionists Should Not Impose Their Morality on Slave Owners 

6. Slavery Is Legal 


1. Roe v. Wade 1973: 7-2 Decision 

2. Unborn Are Non-Persons 

3. Unborn Are Property of Owner (Mother) 

4. Mother Has a Right to Keep or Kill 

5. Pro-Life Advocates Should Not Impost Their Morality on Mothers 

6. Abortion is Legal 

Slavery and Abortion

The Illinois Right to Life Committee offers another set of comparisons. 

Comparison One

Slavery: Although he may have a heart and a brain, and he may be human biologically, a slave is not a legal person. The Dred Scott decision by the U.S Supreme Court has made that clear. 

Abortion: Although he may have a heart and a brain, and he may be a human life biologically, an unborn baby is not a legal person. The Roe v. Wade decision by the U.S. Supreme Court has made that clear. 

Comparison Two:

Slavery: A black woman only becomes a legal person when she is set free. Before that time, we should not concern ourselves about her. She has no legal rights. 

Abortion: A baby only becomes a legal person when she is born. Before that time, we should not concern ourselves about her. She has no legal rights.   

Comparison Three:

Slavery: If you think slavery is wrong, then nobody is forcing you to be a slave-owner. Don’t impose your morality on somebody else. 

Abortion: If you think abortion is wrong, then nobody is forcing you to have one. But don’t impose your morality on somebody else. 

Comparison Four:

Slavery: A man has a right to do what he wants with his property. 

Abortion: A woman has a right to do what she wants with her own body. 

Comparison Five: 

Slavery: Isn’t slavery really something merciful? After all, every black has the right to be protected. Isn’t it better never to be set free than to be sent unprepared, and ill-equipped into a cruel world? 

Abortion: Isn’t abortion really something merciful? After all, every baby has a right to be wanted. Isn’t it better never to be born than to be sent alone and unloved into a cruel world? 

Note: I understand that my respected colleague in ministry, Pastor Thabiti Anyabwile, cautions Caucasian to be very careful when using the comparison between abortion and slavery. You can read his helpful thoughts at Yes, How Dare You Compare Abortion to Slavery. Notwithstanding, I believe, as Pastor Anyabwile does, that the comparisons themselves have value and are valid. 

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